Unhappy in his job and unlucky in love, Joko reunites with a childhood friend and gets the spark of hope he needs to win back his ex-girlfriend.
A cop returns to the job. A serial killer too returns to the job.
Hareesh and Reshmi are an immigrant couple from Kerala working in a medical gloves factory near Delhi. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, when an old video resurfaces among the factory workers, it opens up a Pandora’s box that threatens the couple’s jobs and marriage. As desperation and hostility mounts, they confront their own needs and desires while torn between a life of conscie...
A sound designer finds refuge from broken relationships with her ex, her colleagues and her mother in the studio, where she can spend hours recording Foley and wild tracks, editing and mixing.But is her brain starting to slip out of sync?
Detective Michael Tabb knows the city of St. Louis inside and out. He has felt its true heart, as much as its dark underbelly: but he does not know who, in both the dark and light - is taking the lives of young girls. He only knows that their burned and broken bodies are washing ashore along the Mississippi River, never to return home. He wears the scars of the one time he got ...
在都市内出现了连续女性被杀事件。经警察调察,犯案者是异形怪物,而主角·风祭真因为一直发着相关事件的梦而备受困扰…… 风祭真的父亲是遗传学研究所里的科学家。而真则自愿成为了研制不治之病的实验品,但却被疯狂的科学家·鬼塚实行的现阶段最危险的生化实验·Lv3的遗传因子操作实验而变成了生化战士:真·假面骑士。但鬼塚最大的目的就是要将真供幕后BOSS·“财团”作为军事武器。真最后逃出了『财团』的魔掌,并且与“财团”的超级改造战士·豪岛展开生死战!
大学生涯即将结束,已找到儿童社工一职的堀贝 (佐久间由衣 饰) 闲得发愁。身高170cm的22岁处女,身边人觉得她奇怪,本人却毫无自觉。打工上学回家,日子就是散漫。堀贝跟比她小一年的猪乃木 (奈绪 饰) 上同一所大学,猪乃木有着伤痛往事,两人相知相识,关系独特。与此同时,因朋友的死,堀贝渐渐发现隐藏在身边日常的“暴力”及“悲伤”…改编太宰治奖及芥川奖作家津村记久子的小说,处处散发感性与治愈的语言力量。与恶的距离或近,但少年的你永远比他们年轻,幸福终站在你的一方。